Australia’s democracy rating downgraded

You’ve known it for some time, and we’ve known it for some time. Now it’s being confirmed by leading experts around the world; our rights and freedoms in Australia are slowly but surely being eroded by politicians like Scott Morrisson and Peter Dutton.

Australia’s democracy rating has been downgraded – from “open” to “narrowed” in the 2019 CIVICUS Monitor.

The CIVICUS Monitor assesses which countries around the world allow people and community organisations to exercise their rights to freedom of association, peaceful assembly and expression, and which countries violate these rights.

This is a stark reminder that although Australia is a great place to live for most people, most of the time, we can’t take for granted our human rights. 

When journalists and whistleblowers are being punished for reporting the truth, when governments are restricting our freedom to participate in peaceful protests or boycotts – we need to draw a line in the sand and say: “enough”.

Powerful corporations and politicians don’t always respect the rights of individual people or communities. That’s why we need to create an Australian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms to help level the playing field!

It’s early days, but together we are building a movement to transform the human rights landscape in Australia. The number of petition signatories has swelled to over 3,000 people in recent months and we’re hoping you can help us reach even more people.

Can you share the petition with your friends and family? Just share this link:

We would love your help to spread the word about how a Charter of Human Rights will ensure the decisions and actions of our governments are guided by the values of freedom, equality, compassion and dignity.

A Charter will help everyone from school children to new Australians understand the rights and freedoms that we all share and it will mean that if someone’s rights are violated they can take action to get justice.

Together, we will put it on the national agenda!


Submission to AHRC's Free and Equal consultation


Australian Human Rights Commission Consultation