Australian Human Rights Commission Consultation

Our friends at the Australian Human Rights Commission are conducting a national consultation to find out what human rights issues are important for the community.

We lodged a submission calling for the creation of an Australian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms — but we also encouraged people to ensure the Commission heard directly from supporters like you!

We were thrilled that over 200 people sent through their messages about why they believe we need an Australian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. Thank you!

We’ve compiled the various response into one document here and have lodged it with the Commission.

Please note that we merely collated the responses for the Commission. While we obviously don’t agree with or endorse all of the sentiments, details or conclusions contained in the various submissions, we were really encouraged by the fact that so many people took the time to consider the topic and share their thoughts.

It’s precisely public conversations like these that we want to generate more of in the coming months and years to help inform and push for the creation of an Australian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. So thanks again for being part of it.


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