101 cases report


Human rights laws in Victoria, the ACT and Queensland are making concrete improvements to people’s lives, particularly by preventing homelessness and promoting health.  

A new report by the Human Rights Law Centre, ‘Charters of human rights make our lives better’ tells the success stories of the ACT’s Human Rights Act 2004, Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 and Queensland’s Human Rights Act 2019.  

It analyses 101 cases that show how these laws have empowered people and their advocates when rights were threatened or breached, highlighting outcomes such as stopping the criminalisation of sleeping in cars and ensuring a man with a disability was allowed to open his own mail. It includes dozens of cases from the Covid-19 pandemic showing how human rights laws played an important role. 

Despite the success of these laws in three jurisdictions, Australia is the only western democracy without a national Charter of Human Rights or similar law. The Human Rights Law Centre is calling on the Albanese government to move swiftly to introduce a national Charter of Rights.

To read the report, click here or on the image above.

Click here to join the call for a Charter of Human Rights.


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