Messaging guides

Messaging guides help people and organisations who are advocating for a Human Rights Act or Charter energise supporters and highlight the many benefits it will provide to the whole community.

The Australian Human Rights Commission has recently conducted research that confirms and builds on messaging research developed by the Human Rights Law Centre. You can read their guide by clicking on the button below.

The Human Rights Law Centre – with some wonderful help from the Oak Foundation, the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation and the Castan Centre for Human Rights – conducted some in-depth research to inform our guide, Talking about Human Rights in Australia.

The guide draws on reflective analysis of past advocacy efforts as well as the findings from our community consultations, online surveys and message testing. The guide is not static – the messages are very likely to evolve over time as the context in which they are used and our strategies develop.

We hope you find these guides useful in your own conversations because the success of this campaign is going to depend on people like you all around the country helping to spread the word and ensuring politicians get the message that we think it’s time to create an Australian Human Rights Act or Charter.

Our lives are better when we all treat each other with respect and fairness. An Australian Human Rights Charter or Act will ensure the decisions and actions of our governments are guided by the values of freedom, equality and dignity. Together we can make it happen!


Making the right to health a reality report


Victoria’s charter of human rights and responsibilities