Webinar: Who is missing out on the right to health?

We should all be able to access quality healthcare when we need it, regardless of our bank balance or postcode. But in Australia, this isn’t always the case.

Learn more, and how a Charter of Human Rights can help, in this online forum held on 27 September 2022 co-hosted by the Human Rights Law Centre and the Centre for Law and Social Justice at the University of Newcastle. Speakers:

  • Mohammad Al-Khafaji, Chief Executive Officer of the Federation of Ethnic Community Councils of Australia;

  • Associate Professor Paul Harpur, University of Queensland;

  • Keren Adams, acting co-Chief Executive Officer of the Human Rights Law Centre.

Moderator: Associate Professor Amy Maguire, Centre for Law and Social Justice, University of Newcastle.
Supported by Humanists Victoria, a sub fund of Australian Communities Foundation

Click on the image to watch the recording, or click here.

Join the call for a Charter of Human Rights here: https://charterofrights.org.au/

Video recording courtesy of the Centre for Law and Social Justice, University of Newcastle


ACT Government’s commitment to strengthening Human Rights Act a welcome step


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