Australia’s ranking falls in World Press Freedom Index

A thriving democracy needs an independent, free and fierce media to keep us informed about important issues and to help keep our politicians honest. 

But there’s a worrying trend in Australia that we need to stop. 

Australia’s ranking in the World Press Freedom Index has fallen by five places, in the latest annual assessment from Reporters Without Borders, to 26th place behind countries such as Ireland, Uruguay, Germany, and Latvia. 

Recent police raids on journalists and Australia’s excessive espionage laws that threaten journalists, and secrecy laws that intimidate people that blow the whistle on government wrongdoing with lengthy jail terms, were a key factor in the downgrade. 

Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands made up the top five countries in this year’s rankings and New Zealand made the top ten list at ninth spot, while China, Eritrea, Turkmenistan and North Korea were ranked worst in the world. 

We need stronger laws to protect journalists reporting in the public interest and the people that blow the whistle on government corruption and wrongdoing. 

And of course, Australia also needs a broader legal reform to better protect everyone’s rights – an Australian Charter of Human Rights & Freedoms. 

A Charter of Human Rights is about ensuring government laws, policy and decision making is always guided by values like fairness, dignity, respect and compassion.  

A Charter also provides people with a powerful tool to challenge injustice or take action if their rights are violated. 

Australia’s fall in the World Press Freedom Index follows a similar fall in a World Democracy Ranking last year by a global alliance of human rights organisations. 

Democracy is not a spectator sport. Together we can ensure that values like fairness, respect and compassion are at the very heart of our democracy. Together we can create an Australian Charter of Human Rights & Freedoms that will benefit the whole community. 


Daney Faddoul
Campaign Manager, Human Rights Law Centre


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