Case 5: Person experiencing mental health issues avoids homelessness

Photo of woman leaning on a stone building looking at the camera. Photo by arkadiuszkomski on iStock

Photo by arkadiuszkomski on iStock

A woman was at risk of becoming homeless following an eviction order being made against her by a tribunal. She was experiencing mental health issues and stable accommodation was critical for her in accessing support services. Tenants Queensland helped her to use her rights under the Queensland Human Rights Act to negotiate with her housing provider and to seek an adjournment at the tribunal for the human rights complaint to be addressed. While the tribunal proceeded to terminate the tenancy, she avoided becoming homeless after the housing provider offered to help her access necessary support services.

Source: The First Annual Report on the Operation of Queensland’s Human Rights Act 2019-20, p. 113


Case 4: Expectant mother holds on to her tenancy


Case 6: Office of the Public Guardian helps children to raise human rights arguments about their placement