Case 2: Domestic violence survivor avoids eviction to homelessness

Woman and child walking along a bridge in a park. Photo by PeopleImages on iStock

Photo by PeopleImages on iStock

Tenants Queensland used the Queensland Human Rights Act to help a single mother who had experienced domestic violence to avoid eviction. The tenant’s housing provider had sought to terminate her lease for serious breaches caused by her ex-partner who refused to leave the premises. Tenants Queensland assisted the mother to draft a letter of complaint under the Human Rights Act and submissions in response to the application for termination. The tribunal granted an adjournment which allowed the parties to negotiate a transfer of tenancy. The housing provider then withdrew the application for termination.

Source: The First Annual Report on the Operation of Queensland’s Human Rights Act 2019-20, p. 112.


Case 1: Recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander significant dates and events at schools


Case 3: Man with a disability uses human rights arguments to avoid eviction