Case 57: Woman gains access to disability services

Photo of steps leading to stone columns. Photo by Rawf8 on iStock

Photo by Rawf8 on iStock

A woman with dual disability was not eligible to access services because neither of her disabilities, when considered separately, met the requirements of the relevant government departments. The woman sought to be moved into more appropriate living conditions as she had been robbed and sexually assaulted in the special residential services in which she lived. The advocate for her case wrote to the relevant government departments raising various human rights issues under the Charter including her right to equality, to protection from inhumane and degrading treatment and to security of person. The advocate used the Charter to highlight the woman’s concerns with the departments. As a result, she was appointed a case worker, received 15 hours per week of one-to-one support and was approved to be moved into appropriate housing.

Source: Leadership Plus, Submission for Review of the Victorian Charter, 2011.


Case 56: Improving security and privacy at the home of a man with disabilities


Case 58: Protecting a man with a cognitive disability from financial abuse