Join the campaign

It’s time to build a fairer Australia where our fundamental human rights are fully protected.

An Australian Human Rights Act will ensure that values we all share – like fairness, respect, dignity and compassion – are always at the heart of all government decisions, laws, and services. Including health, housing, and education.

It will clearly articulate our human rights and freedoms so that everyone from school kids to new migrants can uphold their rights and stand up for what we value as a community.

A Human Rights Act will be a powerful tool for people to challenge injustice if their rights are violated.

Together we can make it a reality. Sign up today.


Support the call for a national Human Rights Act

Creating an Australian Human Rights Act will benefit the whole community. It will help prevent human rights violations, provide a powerful tool for challenging injustices & foster a rights respecting culture. Let's do it.

Our human rights are so important. All of us should be able to see a doctor regardless of our bank balance and every kid should get a quality education regardless of their postcode. Creating an Australian Human Rights Act is our chance to hard-wire ‘the fair go’ into the heart of our democracy.

Let’s do it!

Supporters of an Australian Human Rights Act include: